About Us

Hi we're The Larsons founders of Godsend Wellness. We love to uplift and inspire people to dream BIG and fulfill their lives' destinies.  We believe in miracles and We believe that God has placed wonderful dreams and desires in each of our hearts, and it is our life mission to discover a means of realizing even our deepest heart's desires.  It is not an easy journey however and  while facing MANY challenges and adversities in our own lives , we discovered a spiritual path that has changed everything for us.

 Throughout our Spiritual  journey we have been inspired to develop a wonderful product that has helped us achieve many of our dreams.  The Wish Block is a very powerful and extremely effective Spiritual Self-Coaching tool  and it is with great honor  that we invite you to discover how using The Wish Block will bring more ABUNDANCE into ALL areas of your life.  We have been successfully using Wish Blocks for a long time now and after experiencing tremendous success, it  has become our deep desire to share it with You!
You do have the power to enhance and even completely alter your life experience, all you have to do is develop your spiritual potential and discover the life that You were created to live!  We are here to help you with that.  Whether it is something specific that you desire, or a big lifetime goal, we know that the Wish Block will help you get there, faster than you think! 

 At least 25% of all Wish Block sales is donated to medical mission trips and charities, as well as used to "pay it forward" and handed out in form of gift cards to the homeless everywhere we travel.